Keria + Chris • Downtown Macon Engagement

Oh the fickle, Georgia weather and how it can change. Y’all the weather app I use was calling for a high rain percentage, but we decided to push on and cross our fingers and toes. I am SO happy we stuck to it and were able to get these rich tones due to the overcast sky! I mean look at these two. That red dress is giving me Jessica Rabbit vibes and Chris was looking dapper.

We started our session at the gorgeous Terminal Station in downtown Macon and quickly rode around downtown, hopping out to snap a few photos here and there. I know many Maconites know how downtown is flourishing with movie-making but we were NOT expecting to see it for ourselves!

As we were walking up to the top of the parking deck to check out the amazing Macon views, rushing just in case the rain decided to greet us, we heard a taser, car doors slamming and a vehicle “burning rubber”. Needless to say, we looked at each other and were like….um, what is happening right now?! I peeked over and thankfully saw a boom-mic and we had a quick laugh and continued on.

Macon is also known for having very unique ally-ways. We made our way down a few of these to finish our session at the beautiful City Auditorium. We could not pass up the grandiose architecture with the outfits they wore. Keria and Christ were absolutely stunning and really did look like movie stars! Per usualy with downtown sessions, I could not let our time together end before jumping out in the middle of Cherry Street and doing a little dance.

These two were so much fun and I cannot wait to share their wedding photos in December! Enjoy! <3


Brogdon-Hughes Wedding • Blacksmith Shop Macon, Ga